Job Support Ministry – Monday Workshop
Woodlands Campus
If you're seeking an opportunity to refine your job search skills, receive expert coaching, and confidently navigate a career change, we invite you to join our Job Support Ministry workshop every Monday from 9:45 AM to 11:45 AM in K-1.
Central to our Job Seeker's Journey is the emphasis on networking and developing a strategic marketing plan. During the workshop, you'll delve into the six work search tools essential for an effective job search, engage with our encouragers, and benefit from coaching provided by our experienced team of Job Support Ministry coaches. They are here to guide you through this season, offering career advice, practical support, and spiritual care.
Collaborating with peers, we'll collectively enhance your job search skills, providing you with personalized coaching from our dedicated team. This is an invaluable opportunity to strengthen your career prospects and navigate the job market with confidence.
Woodlands CampusOur WC Kids team reads a story in a fun, creative and engaging way for your kids to enjoy. Story Time is held upstairs above the WC Café.
Proven Men
Woodlands Campus
Men’s study: 12-week study to a proven path to sexual integrity to help with pornography, lust, masturbation or sex addiction from a biblical perspective.
Divorce Care
Woodlands CampusDivorce Care is a special support group where you can find help as you recover from the hurt of separation or divorce. There aren’t many people around you who understand the pain your divorce or separation has caused. To you. Your family. Your friends. That’s the reason for Divorce Care. It’s a series of support groups and seminars conducted by people who understand what you are experiencing. Most importantly, you’ll learn how to deal with the pain of the past and look forward to rebuilding your life.
Grief Share
Woodlands CampusIf you’ve lost a spouse, child, family member or friend, you’ve probably found that there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel. Grief Share at Woodlands Church is a ministry for people grieving the loss of someone close. This 13-week video & curriculum-based program is facilitated by people who understand what you are experiencing and want to offer you comfort and encouragement during this difficult time.
Foster & Adoption Support Group
Woodlands Campus
Are you a current Foster Parent or interested in becoming a Foster Parent/Adopting? Join us in the VIP Family Viewing Room on the last Tuesday of each month as we walk the journey together! Â We will be working through The Connected Child as a group. Childcare is provided.
Woodlands CampusRestoration is a ministry to help people overcome life’s hurts, habits and hang-ups through worship, biblically-balanced teaching, personal testimonies and support groups. We start the evening with worship followed by a biblical teaching or testimony. Within Restoration, we offer Celebrate Recovery support groups and step studies as a tool to go deeper in the journey of recovery. Restoration is a safe place to experience freedom and transformation through God’s grace. Contact Restoration at
Woodlands CampusOur WC Kids Team leads your kids in our amazing WC Kids Worship. Â They will sing and dance together to songs we sing each weekend in WC Kids. Â Join us!
Student Service
All Campuses
The Student Ministry will have in-person services each Wednesday evening at 6:30pm at all campuses. Don't miss out students (6th-12th Grade) and parents on experiencing Christ through worship, a message specific for students during this time and engaging games, skits and stories.
AMP – Woodlands
Woodlands Campus
Calling all junior high students, 6th-8th grade! AMP is an action-packed, fun-filled evening where you'll hang out with your Pastors and friends playing incredible games! Event activities will include a phobia house, carnival style games, volleyball, food & snacks for sale, and tons of fun!