Saturday 6:00pm Service
Woodlands Campus
Join us in our Main Auditorium or Online for a powerful and creative service, featuring music from Woodlands Worship and an uplifting and meaningful message of hope from Pastor Kerry Shook.
Sunday Traditions Service
Woodlands Campus
Join us in our Chapel in the Woods each Sunday morning for a traditional worship service, featuring timeless hymns, led by our choir, and an uplifting and meaningful message of hope from Pastor Kerry Shook.
Sunday 11:30 Service
Woodlands & Atascocita Campus
Join us in our Main Auditorium or Online for a powerful and creative service, featuring music from Woodlands Worship and an uplifting and meaningful message of hope from Pastor Kerry Shook.
Young Adults Gathering
Woodlands CampusWoodlands Church YA has returned to in-person services. From ages 18-28, don't miss out on experiencing Christ through worship and a message specifically tailored for you.
Student Service
All Campuses
The Student Ministry will have in-person services each Wednesday evening at 6:30pm at all campuses. Don't miss out students (6th-12th Grade) and parents on experiencing Christ through worship, a message specific for students during this time and engaging games, skits and stories.
Saturday 6:00pm Service
Woodlands Campus
Join us in our Main Auditorium or Online for a powerful and creative service, featuring music from Woodlands Worship and an uplifting and meaningful message of hope from Pastor Kerry Shook.
Lee Strobel: If I Believe, Why Do I Doubt
Are you seeking answers to those lingering doubts that occasionally cloud your faith? We invite you to join us this weekend for an enlightening two-part series led by Pastor Lee Strobel, titled "If I Believe, Why Do I Doubt?" It promises to be an incredible journey of understanding and growth.
Sunday Traditions Service
Woodlands Campus
Join us in our Chapel in the Woods each Sunday morning for a traditional worship service, featuring timeless hymns, led by our choir, and an uplifting and meaningful message of hope from Pastor Kerry Shook.
Sunday 11:30 Service
Woodlands & Atascocita Campus
Join us in our Main Auditorium or Online for a powerful and creative service, featuring music from Woodlands Worship and an uplifting and meaningful message of hope from Pastor Kerry Shook.
Young Adults Gathering
Woodlands CampusWoodlands Church YA has returned to in-person services. From ages 18-28, don't miss out on experiencing Christ through worship and a message specifically tailored for you.