
Proven Men

Woodlands Campus
Men’s study: 12-week study to a proven path to sexual integrity to help with pornography, lust, masturbation or sex addiction from a biblical perspective.


Foster & Adoption Support Group

Woodlands Campus

Are you a current Foster Parent or interested in becoming a Foster Parent/Adopting? Join us in the VIP Family Viewing Room on the last Tuesday of each month as we walk the journey together!  We will be working through The Connected Child as a group. Childcare is provided.



Woodlands Campus

Restoration is a ministry to help people overcome life’s hurts, habits and hang-ups through worship, biblically-balanced teaching, personal testimonies and support groups. We start the evening with worship followed by a biblical teaching or testimony. Within Restoration, we offer Celebrate Recovery support groups and step studies as a tool to go deeper in the journey of recovery. Restoration is a safe place to experience freedom and transformation through God’s grace. Contact Restoration at



Woodlands Campus
Kids and parents create a fun craft together. Our WC Kids team will lead you with all the supplies and how to instructions. Join us upstairs above the WC Café.


Student Service

All Campuses

The Student Ministry will have in-person services each Wednesday evening at 6:30pm at all campuses. Don't miss out students (6th-12th Grade) and parents on experiencing Christ through worship, a message specific for students during this time and engaging games, skits and stories.


Saturday 6:00pm Service

Woodlands Campus
Join us in our Main Auditorium or Online for a powerful and creative service, featuring music from Woodlands Worship and an uplifting and meaningful message of hope from Pastor Kerry Shook.


Sunday Traditions Service

Woodlands Campus
Join us in our Chapel in the Woods each Sunday morning for a traditional worship service, featuring timeless hymns, led by our choir, and an uplifting and meaningful message of hope from Pastor Kerry Shook.


Sunday 9:30 Service

Woodlands & Atascocita Campus
Join us in our Main Auditorium or Online for a powerful and creative service, featuring music from Woodlands Worship and an uplifting and meaningful message of hope from Pastor Kerry Shook.


Sunday 10:00 Service

East River Campus
Join us at our East River Campus or Online for a powerful and creative service, featuring music from Woodlands Worship and an uplifting and meaningful message of hope from Pastor Kerry Shook.

Life Class

All Campuses

It's time to grow, serve and lead.  In Life Class, Pastor Kerry teaches the spiritual disciplines required to grow your walk with Christ and serve His bride, the church, more effectively.  We have both in-person as well as online available.  The in-person class will provide complimentary lunch and programs for children birth through 5th grade. If you have a student, Jr. High and High School students are encouraged to join their parents for the class.